photo: Vincent Richards
photo: Ásta Bennie Hostetter
photo: Keith Skretch
photo: Scott Groller
The Firebugs featured in CalArts Spring Catalogue 2012 | Pictured Left: Harley Ware as The PhD of Philosophy
The Firebugs (a morality play without a moral)
By Max Frisch
CalArts School of Theater | November 2011 | Ensemble Theater 400
Directed by Deena Selenow
Choreography | Lindsey Lollie
Music Composition | Paul Fraser
Scenic Design | Vincent Richards
Costume Design | Ásta Bennie Hostetter
Lighting Design | Eric Baum
Sound Design | Jackson Campbell
Video Design | Masha Tatarintseva
featuring Kaitlin Cornuelle, Will Cotter, DiLecia Childress, Melissa Donaher, Hayden Ezzy, Jemar Rovie Frenchwood, Genevieve Gearhart, Zan Headley, Brittany Lau, Ethan McMurray, Michael Pignatelli, Paula Rebelo, Zachary Schwartz, Warren St. James, Harley Ware, Michael Yichao